This post has been working in me for some time. I like to think of myself as a bit of a feminist. I don't burn my bras because I need them but I do like how I have my own credit history and if I want to pursue a career in engineering (or any other male dominated field) I can. I have these freedoms because women finally stood up and demanded to be treated with dignity, respect, and as equals. I am grateful for that and grateful to have all of these opportunities because of the work of the generations before me. Rights that I take for granted, have been fought for by these strong women. To them I say thank you. My life has been easier because of your work. That being said I fear that the pendulum has swung (is that a word?) too far to the left.
I am the mother of two beautiful boys. They are charming and respectful because my husband and I have raised them that way. They were even trained to sit to pee so that the mess that incurs while standing could be avoided. My oldest has since learned the convenience of standing and now will learn to clean up his own messes, but I digress. There is a movement out there among some women who have taken he fight for equality to a fight for superiority. They have tried to remove males from the equation entirely. Women can satisfy themselves and women can, with the help of science, procreate on their own. Women don't need men to feel complete, which leads me to wonder why are dating services so popular? These statements concern me. I know they are only made by a small group but still....
I want my boys to be respected. I want my boys to have every advantage available to them. I don't want them to be denied access because of their gender. Right now attendance in colleges are 60% women 40% men. I don't know if that has to do with interest or affirmative action and it may have nothing really to do with gender but experience has made me wonder.
I guess all I am saying is I am trying my darndest to raise boys who respect women and all I ask is that you raise your daughters with respect for men and lets not make "Men's Wrongs Our Rights"