Wednesday, August 24, 2005

What Dreams May Come?

Two nights ago I had a dream that my husband and I were splitting up and that I lived in this huge apartment with all of the room mates I have ever had before. I dreamt that neither Tim nor I could find an apartment that would take children so my son Dakota had to live with my mom. If I wanted to see him she would send him over in a cab, because in my dream she couldn't drive. I woke up shortly after that with this tremendous urge to get back together with my husband (still in dream mode because we are fine) I hate it when dreams seam so real and it takes a while to get out of them. Well I called my husband at work and told him that I loved him. Then I told him about my dream. He thinks I silly. Apparently this isn't uncommon in our marriage. I have a dream that is not real but feels real and overreact. You should hear about my poligamy dream.


Anonymous said...

Well here is hoping that I am not the bad guy in one of your dreams!

Philosophical Karen said...

I think you are very brave to tell the world your dreams like that. I'm not sure I could do it myself.

Sariah said...

Sorry, I should have given you a time to call me! I have had marching band camps this week and last. I will be home tomorrow (Friday) afternoon, about 1 pm to 6-ish (my time). Call me then, please. I haven't had time to make it to any stores, so there is still no time on my card. Thanks so much!!

Christine said...

I've had dreams like that, too - where my husband and I split up. I just hate that! I hope you have happy dreams tonight!

Alyson said...

please click on august arcives because my other posts are not showing up.

the forgiven sinner said...

wow ... i've just wonder what the reasons behind your dream... is it poligamy or poliandry instead.

do if you thin it is right for you and family